10 Blood Interpretations
10 Blood interpretations for 10 different animals
Service Description
Dr McGregor, although semi-retired, is still available to pursue his special interest of analysing blood results for racing horses and Greyhounds. Many trainers take advantage of his expertise in this area to ensure their horses are trained to, and working at their peak. The service is routinely utilised by trainers from around Australia and as far away as the USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. Since 1987, blood analysis has been available to clients from all around the world. To submit blood results for analysis - please choose the next available appointment. Due to the website structure and the service options setup, you will be required to choose an appointment time slot, please just choose the next available time. This does not mean that this is the time that the interpretation will be performed. After you have booked your appointment time you will be linked to STRIPE, our payment portal. Once you have provided payment for the interpretation, please send the blood results via email to - dr.alanmcgregor@outlook.com Once Dr McGregor has received the blood results, please allow approx 48 hours before receiving your blood analysis report.
Contact Details
Bunbury WA, Australia